My Jewish cooking adventure: It is Wednesday, so that means...

Wednesday 3 August 2011

It is Wednesday, so that means...

Right, it is Wednesday and that time of the week when you need to start planning what’s cooking for Shabbos! I find this necessary if you are holding a full time demanding job where anything could change at a drop of a hat, therefore preparation is key! Depending what is on your wish list will determine how much work you have to put in from today.
I start my preparation by first deciding what it is that I would like serve for Shabbos, this is done by Wednesday normally, of which is followed by grocery shopping to ensure all ingredients are on hand should you not have them already stocked in your kitchen. Depending on what you would like to prepare you might look at starting it from Thursday already, this way I do not put too much pressure on myself on Friday cause at the end of the day I still want to enjoy myself!
So this Friday it has been requested that I prepare Mosaka for Shabbos!
Now this is not a dish I have great experience in, in fact I have only prepared this dish 4 times! It is a very time consuming dish, but absolutely delicious. I have already mentally drawn up my shopping list for when I make my next stop near the grocery and mentally also preparing myself for this feat! So until I speak again on Friday….

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