My Jewish cooking adventure: Date cookies (aka squashed flies)

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Date cookies (aka squashed flies)

This is my man’s favorite cookie, which he asks for on a regular basis. Luckily for me they are the easiest cookies to make and requires very little time, skill and ingredients! The recipe can very easily be doubled to make a bigger batch.

200g flour
pinch of salt
50g sugar
50g butter
1 egg separated
4-6Tblsp milk
Date spread (however this can be substituted to a filling of your choice)

Sift all the dry ingredients; rub in the butter to form crumbs. Add the egg yolk and milk and stir with fork and fingers till it forms a ball.

Roll the dough out on floured surface, spread filling on one side then cover with the other side. Cut in square shapes and brush with the beaten egg white.

Bake at 190C for approximately 15 minutes. 
Warning: They do not last long! Enjoy!

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