My Jewish cooking adventure: Just what the doctor ordered! Good old-fashioned Jewish vegetable soup.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Just what the doctor ordered! Good old-fashioned Jewish vegetable soup.

When I inquired with Efi what he would like for lunch I was expected to hear last nights Shabbos dinner, as is the norm, however it was vegetable soup that he wanted! We are both under the weather at the moment and on lock down at home conditioning ourselves with various medications.
I can’t say I was thrilled with the thought of having soup for lunch however got cracking in the kitchen.
I decided to make soup from what vegetables I had in the house. I was not planning to eat from it originally however as the ingredients started going in one by one I had a feeling that this was going to be a good one… I even returned to the stove for seconds!

1 Onion
Half Butternut chopped
5 cups chopped spinach/Swiss chard
3 carrots cut in rings
Good vegetable stock
Tsp Tumeric
½ cup Chickpeas
½ cup sweet corn
Dried black limes

Black Limes
Sauté the onions till they are just translucent adding the carrots and Swiss chard, and finally the butternut. Here you can add 1 black lime. Cover with just enough boiling water and let simmer for the vegetables to soften, approximately 15 minutes. Prepare approximately 500ml of vegetable stock and pour into your pot with a tsp of Turmeric and let simmer for another 15 minutes. Do not stir too much to try and keep the vegetables whole if you want to serve the soup with chunky pieces. Season with salt and pepper.

Serve with yesterdays left over Challah or hot country bread. 

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