My Jewish cooking adventure: Good Shabbos and good health to all!

Sunday 28 August 2011

Good Shabbos and good health to all!

This Shabbos I am particularly happy cause I almost did not make it! I was originally scheduled for a team building work function but had to cancel as I am fighting the flu, which Efi has now too. So it was just two sick children spending Shabbos together but I tell you, I could not be happier!

I prepared something to cheer up the spirits! Efi’s and my favorite – roasted Aubergine Salad!
I sadly do not yet have a gas stove whereby I can flame roast the Aubergine, I therefore try and get a similar effect by placing the aubergine under the oven grill. It does not produce that same flame roast taste but it will do for now.
Once a skewer can easily be inserted the aubergine is ready to be sliced open and the contents prepared for the salad. Just give it a good few slices each way, drizzle a fair amount of olive oil and lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. I added an Israeli salad to this for this Shabbos but it is really up to you how you would like to serve it, I don’t believe there is any rule to this! There is an Arab saying that says if your future bride cannot prepare an eggplant in 50 different ways, don’t marry her! So get creative!
 I love drizzling tahini sauce over this salad and soaking it all up with Challah bread! 

Couscous is just divine, healthy and so easy to prepare! I prepare the instant kind but I really do not see anything wrong with using a good quality instant couscous. The secret is to ensure that after it has soaked up all the liquid to fluff it up with a fork and drizzle of olive oil, you do not want to stir it around as it will just turn to porridge.
It always amazes me all the different ways that you can dress up couscous with your favorite vegetables, turn it into salads and eat it hot or cold.
After roasting my vegetables of choice in the oven, I tossed them together with some chickpeas and a Harrief that I bought from Oded’s kitchen (local deli in Woodstock, Cape Town, however his products are sold at all Farmer Markets and many stores around Cape Town). 

I then added the couscous to this and gave it a good toss. 
This is a great dish to eat from the following day too!

As a side dish, roasted cauliflower dressed in Tahini and roasted pine nuts. The cauliflower only needs to be blanched for 2 minutes in boiling water and transferred quickly to ice cold water. Brush with olive oil and in the oven it goes. A healthier version of deep fried cauliflower florets.

I did a bit or roasted skinless chicken thighs with this seasoned only with salt and pepper this time round as the harrief in the couscous added enough flavors to this meal.

So that’s it! Good Shabbos and Shabbat Shalom! x

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