My Jewish cooking adventure: Batya's chocolate cake

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Batya's chocolate cake

I got this cake from
Efi translated from his mother, one of Efi's favorite I am told.
I never had much success in chocolate cakes to be honest, get real nervous about them. But today I was determined! And I am trying to use up all the flour on the house before Pesach! Imagine, what a great excuse to bake some more, just love it! :) Thankfully it is mouth watering good!

All you need is:

4 eggs
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup Nesquick
3/4 cup oil
1 cup creme freche (although I used fat free smooth cottage cheese here)
250g dark chocolate

Melt the chocolate and creme freche together and set aside.
Mix all other ingredients together.
Pour half the creme mixture in the cake mixture, leave the other half for the top of the cake after it comes out the oven.

Pop it in the oven at 180C for approximately 35mins.

Love S.

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