My Jewish cooking adventure: A very fresh salad

Sunday 15 January 2012

A very fresh salad

With the weather as hot as it is today (36 C) in Cape Town, a person can eat nothing but a fresh salad.  I had the following ingredients in my fridge to make this salad.
¼ cup fresh parsley
¼ cup fresh mint
¼ cup fresh coriander
1 Israeli cucumber
2 tomatoes
Juices of half a lemon
Olive oil
Salt and pepper to garnish

Chop the parsley, coriander and mint finely. For the tomato and cucumber, cut it the same way you would when making an Israeli salad. Drizzle with the olive oil and lemon juice and garnish with salt and pepper to taste.
This salad can be eaten with just about anything or even on its own with toasted ciabatta or pita bread to soak up all the juices. My kind of summer dish!
 Shavua Tov!!

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