My Jewish cooking adventure: Apple Crumble

Friday 26 August 2011

Apple Crumble

Last Shabbos I was told by my man that I should bake on Thursday evenings so that there is cake for Shabbos. So the good wifey that I am I did just that, except that we still don’t actually have cake for Shabbos!! In fact it went so fast that I could not even take a pic of what the Apply Crumble looks like after it comes out of the oven! It lasted a whole 12 minutes from the time he got hold of it (okay I did help him out a little but I promise, I only got to eat about a fraction of the Apple Crumble pie compared to Efi!).  So I shall take it as a compliment, it is that good!
I am going to have to look at some seriously good hiding places if I ever want a cake to last till Shabbos!
6 apples, peeled and cored and sliced
30g butter
 1Tblsp sugar
1Tblsp honey
1 vanilla pod
200g flour
140g butter
50g demerera sugar

Preheat over 200C
In a large saucepan, melt the butter and sugar and the scraped out vanilla paste from the vanilla pod and add sliced apples and cook till soft.
Transfer the apples to an ovenproof dish or smaller individual dishes if you like.

For the topping, sift the flour into a large bowl and stir in the sugar.
Add the diced butter and rub together to make breadcrumbs.

Sprinkle the topping over the apples and place in oven.

Bake for 25 mins or until topping is brown.
Serve with cream or ice cream or eat it on its own just like we did! J

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