My Jewish cooking adventure: Spicy Chicken livers for Shabbos

Saturday 20 August 2011

Spicy Chicken livers for Shabbos

This week I decided to go for something verrrrry simple without compromising. Chicken livers… the easiest thing on earth to make. A dish you can experiment to your hearts content and with minimal time!
I was lucky to knock off work 30 minutes earlier than usual compliments of the boss, funny how you get this time handed to you when you least expect it thinking I could of used this time just last week when I was preparing the moussaka or what I was contemplating making for this Shabbos, Sofrito (but I will leave that for next Shabbos). So here I was thinking I have more time on my hands than I ever wished for, I used it to my advantage and went for a 10km run, got home, showered and cooked dinner all in a nick of time! J
This Shabbos dinner will take no more than 45 minutes at a push, and I am talking preparation, cooking times, salads, table set up the works!  So here goes…
The spicy chicken livers will benefit greatly if you can marinate for as long as possible in grinded peri-peri flakes, chili and paprika as long as you can afford, 2 hours will do. A bit of onion rings first in the pan until soft then the livers. They really do not have to go any longer than 10 minutes cause you do not want them dried out.

I served this with a rice dish.  Simply made by browning a little onion in a pot before adding the rice grains for 2 mins, add boiling water just to cover and turn the heat down to half.  Add celery and carrot ( I added peas too this time but it is really up to you what vegie you would like) and let boil till no water is left. Add 1 cup of chicken stock (I prefer to keep this to a minimum this time round as I am already preparing a spicy dish and wanted to compliment this with a more milder flavor side) and cover pot with a dishcloth and turn the heat right down and simmer till there is no more liquid left, remove from heat.
Serve with salads of your choice.

Good Shabbos and Shabath Shalom!

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