My Jewish cooking adventure: Efi's Chicken Liver Pie

Monday 7 November 2011

Efi's Chicken Liver Pie

This past Shabbos was compliments of my love, Efi! Boy did he surprise me!!!

The ingredients you will need is as follows:
1 onion
500g Chicken Liver
1 roll of puff pastry
baharat Spice
fresh parsley
1/3 cup fresh mushroom soup
Salt and pepper for seasoning

Fry onions gently till soft, add the livers and cook very briefly so that it is still very pink inside. Add all seasoning and sir well. LEave aside to cool off. After cool, drain any blood. Line a baking tin with the puff pastry brushed with a beaten egg, both sides. Add your liver filling and pour over the chicken soup. Note: The chicken soup needs to be very thick.

Bake in oven for approximately 25 mins, the pastry must be a nice golden color.

Serve with a side of mushroom sauce or tahini dressing. I trust you will enjoy this meal just as much as I did! Cannot wait till Efi prepares this again! (hint hint if you are reading this).

Shabbat Shalom!

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