My Jewish cooking adventure: Tarragon Chicken

Sunday 27 November 2011

Tarragon Chicken

This is an easy one! The chicken prep itself will not be more than 5 minutes! Depending what you are serving with it will really be where you will spend time in the kitchen!
I made great spaghetti that I would like to share with you, I almost feel it deserves a blog on its own but here goes.
Firstly pre-heat your oven (200C) and start preparing the vegetables that you would like to roast with your chicken. I chose; carrots, sweet potato, new baby potatoes and celery all roughly chopped and added to the roasting dish. The chicken is just to be washed thoroughly and excess fats and skin cut and whatever other pieces you might not enjoy.
Rub the chicken with olive oil and rub in some Maldon sea salt and sprinkle of Tarragon. Once your oven is hot slip your baking tray inside and bake for 25minutes , finally turn your oven to grill for another 10 minutes and you see the juices run clear from the chicken.

For the spaghetti
Cut up a medium size aubergine into cubes and add to a colander with a sprinkling of salt and let stand to draw out the bitterness. Just before you are ready to add them to the pan, rinse under cold water and drain of any excess water.
Gently fry one chopped onion, add a chopped yellow pepper and a large handful of roughly chopped small button mushrooms and cook for a couple of minutes. Push all of this to one side of the pan so that you can fry the aubergine. I use a non stick pan by the way and use just a very little olive oil especially since I am cooking aubergine and do not like it when the aubergine soaks up any excess oils.
Once the aubergine has browned a bit you can mix all together and add one grated carrot, a can of roma tomatoes, and table spoon of tomato paste and half a cup of water.  Season with salt, pepper, paprika, tsp sugar and fresh herbs like parsley, rosemary etc. Turn the heat down a little to simmer all together. You can add some more water to adjust the consistency if needed.
Prepare your pasta as per packet instructions, drain and rinse and return to the pot. Add your tomato mixture and stir through and heat further if needed.

So that is it from me. The salads are all bought I am afraid as I am not too well at the moment, so thank you to my Efi for looking after me and hopefully next Friday I am back to my old self!

Good Shabbos and Shabbat Shalom! 

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