My Jewish cooking adventure: Shabbat Shalom!! Good Shabbos!

Friday 29 July 2011

Shabbat Shalom!! Good Shabbos!

My favorite day of the week!!!!
The only unfortunate is that I have missed out on the Challah today *sad Face* but this is nothing new. Feels like every Friday it is a gamble whether I will be one of the lucky ones to get a Challah at the bakery!
Never mind, at least picked up some knotted bread rolls.
It is a rather chilly day here in Cape Town so I am thinking some comfort food for Shabbos tonight.
So we are going to sit down tonight to some grilled chicken, I am unsure yet if I will have it in Sumac, Za’atar or Baharat -  wait the man has requested Sumac!  On the side we will have some Beetroot and Corn Salad, Coleslaw Salad, Roasted vegetable. Of course no meal will be complete without Tahini sauce and some hummus.
I better get cracking cause there is not much time! 

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